Thursday, October 9, 2008

Death Bed

I was about to die , I was very old and couldn't live much longer. So I told my son Nadab that he was going to be the next king and to walk in the ways of me.

Asa is the new king of Judah

Judah got a new king and I like him except he does the totally opposite of me, I do evil and he does what is good in the eyes of the Lord. He has gotten rid of prostitutes, got rid of idols hid fathers had made, and dispossed of his grandmother.

Judah's new king

Abijah is now the new king of Judah, he is the son of Rehoboam, he does the same evil as his fahter, I do not like Abijah. Throughout Abijah's lifetime we fought alot and hated each other, we were never at peace.

Rehoboam stuff stollen

I think that it is funny that King Shishak stole all the things out of the Temple at Jerusalem and stole the gold shields that Solomon had made them. So now he has the cruddy bronze shields insted of Gold shields. It seems like we are always mad at each other and always have continual warfare.

Ahijah's prophecy

Today my wife told me what Alijah said, he had told her that this is punishment for what evil we have done and that he will cut off every last man in Israel from me slave or free. He also said that my son would die as soon as my wife set foot in the city. I could not believe that God had done this to me, I sacrifice all the time, and worship him every day.

Burying my son

Today we burried my son, it was very sad and almost all of Israel came to mourn. I have never been so deprssed, I wish he wouln't have died so young.

My son died

I was talking to my son when all of a sudden he died, I started to mourn. Then all of a sudden my wife ran in and she started to cry after she had relized what had happened. I was so upset and couldn't believe it.

The man from Judah

I man came from Judah to come to Bethel, I was standing at the altar making the sacrifice. The man was crying out against the altar. He said "a son named Josia will be born to the House of David. On you he will sacrifice the priests of the high places who now make offerings here, and human bones will be burned on you." Even though the man has told me this, I will not change my evil ways.

Golden Calves

I have fortified Shechem in the hill country of Ephraim and live there. I relized that I needed to have worship places since Jerusalam was the only Temple for Yaweh. So I have an idea to put one Golden calf at Bethel and another Golden calf at Dan. Now the people will not have to travel to Jerusalem and they will have a temple closer to them, and Judah can not make money off of the people of Israel that travel to Jerusalem to worship God.

Israel hates Rehoboam

When I heard that Rehoboam was in Israel so that the Israelites could make him king, I decided that I sould go back to Israel. The people of Israel have asked Rehoboam to lighten up, Rehoboam told them to come back in three days. Three days later he said that, "My little finger is bigger than my Dad's waist", Rehoboam then returned to Jeruslaem.

I was almost killed

I was nearlly killed by Solomon today.After he got the news I think he freaked and tried to kill me. So I fled to Shishak, Egypt, I stayed there until solomon died.

I am King!!!

Today I met up with Ahijah the prophet on my way out of Jerusalam. He tore his cloak into twelve peices and said you take ten peices for yourself. Ahijah said that the God of Israel said, "See, I am going t tear the kingdom out of Solomon's hands and give you ten tribes." He also said that the son of David will have one tribe. The son of David will have Jerusalem, the city were I choose to put my name.